Register Your Interest In A Festool Dust Management Demo

Festool invented on-tool extraction back in the 1960’s and has continued to pioneer high-performance dust extraction systems ever since. But it’s not just about the extractor; our tools and accessories help control dust better than any other options too. 

Watch these videos to see the dust extraction in action.

Interested In A Dust Management Demonstration Tailored To Your Applications & Trade?

There is a system for every trade and benefit for every business. Register your interest by submitting the form below. 

Here’s what other customers have to say…

“The Festool Ct26 vacuum + Ts55 plunge saw is a combo I like to use when cutting MDF. If you’ve ever worked with MDF you know how dangerous the dust can be for you, so this in my opinion the best solution. Other benefits of this combo are;⁣ easy to use, minimal dust⁣, cleaning time cut down⁣, millimetre finish, versatile.” – Black Cedar Building Solutions

“Fantastic that the demonstration is a service that you guys offer. Darren was generous with his time and advice and has convinced me about the DF 500 purchase. A real strength of your company. Without the demonstration I would not have the confidence that the tool was going to be able to meet my needs. I learnt a lot about otherwise unknown benefits of the domino joiner for future products. Thanks so much.” – Marty B

Being dust safe is in your best interest.


Learn. Be informed. Lead the way.


Take responsibility. Keep everyone healthy. Be proactive.


Eliminate liability and financial risks.

It’s time to take dust safety seriously. Be a leader, make change today.

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Dust safety is GOOD for business.